Design Calculator | No 3

Estimation of Dosing pump capacity required for polyelectrolyte


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Parameter Value Unit Remarks
Solids feed rate cum/hr
Feed solids concentration %w/w
Feed solids concentration 10 g/cum
Safety Margin %
Polyelectrolyte dosing rate required kg/kg dry TSS Typically 2 - 4. Depends on the jar test
Dosing tank working hours hr
Design calculations
Solids feed 120 g/hr
Poly dosing rate required (kg/hr) 0.24 kg/hr
Poly dosing rate required 240 LPH
Dosing tank size required 1920 Liter

Summary of result
Dosing pump size 240 LPH
Dosing tank size 1920.00 liter
Quantity of dosing pump 2.00 nos
Quantity of dosing tank 2.0 nos

Reference: CPHEEO & Metcalf & Eddy Edition-4, Section 8-3, Table-8.11, Page-705

Biokinetic parameter at 20 C

Description Parameters Units COD oxidation NH4 oxidation NO2 oxidation

Maxiumum Specific Growth rate µ_max g bsCOD/g VSS.d 6.00 0.9 1

Half Velocity Constant K_s /K_nh4 /K_no2 mg/L 8 0.5 0.2

Synthesis yield Y mg VSS/mg sustrate 0.45 0.15 0.05

Specific Endogenous Decay Rate b g VSS/g VSS.d 0.12 0.17 0.17

Fraction of Biomass that remain as cell debris f_d unitless 0.15 0.15 0.15

Half Velocity Constant for Oxygen K_o2 mg/L 0.2 0.5 0.9

Temperature correction coeffcients for biokinetci parameters

Theta value Units COD oxidation NH4 oxidation NO2 oxidation
µ_max unitless 1.07 1.072 1.063
b unitless 1.04 1.029 1.029
K_s /K_nh4 /K_no2 unitless 1 1 1

Temperature Err:509 deg C

Biokinetic parameter at T deg C

Description Parameters Units COD oxidation NH4 oxidation NO2 oxidation

Maxiumum Specific Growth rate µ_max g bsCOD/g VSS.d 0.00 0.000 0.00

Half Velocity Constant K_s /K_nh4 /K_no2 mg/L 0 0 0

Synthesis yield Y mg VSS/mg sustrate 0.45 0.15 0.05

Specific Endogenous Decay Rate b g VSS/g VSS.d 0.000 0.000 0.000

Fraction of Biomass that remain as cell debris f_d unitless 0.15 0.15 0.15

Half Velocity Constant for Oxygen K_o2 mg/L 0.2 0.5 0.9

Biokinetic parameter at 20 C (Range of values)

Description Parameters Units Range Typical

maximum specific sustrate utilization rate k g bsCOD/g VSS.d 4-12 6

half velocity constant Ks mg/L BOD 20-60 30

mg/L bsCOD 5-30 15

sysntesis yield coeficient Y mg VSS/mg BOD 0.4-0.8 0.6

mg VSS/mg COD 0.4-0.6 0.45

decay coeficient b g VSS/g VSS.d 0.06-0.15 0.1


Reference: Metcalf & Eddy Edition-5, Table-9.25, Page-1007

Nitrification Flux (g NH4-N/sqm-day) DO (mg/l) Bulk liquid NH4-N, mg/l

1.07 4 1

0.9 3 0.8

0.6 2 0.5

TABLE-3 AERATION TANK DESIGN DATA (Design range of air veloicty in header pipe for Fine Bubble Membrane diffusers )

Reference: Metcalf & Eddy Edition-5, Table-9.25, Page-1007

Pipe Diameter (inch) Pipe Diameter (mm) Velocity (m/min)

1-3 75-225 360-540

4-10 100-250 540-900

12-24 300-600 800-1200

30-60 750-1500 1100-2000