Multi Disc Screw Press

The Multi Disc Screw Press is a sludge dewatering equipment that works on the filtration mechanism after the coagulation-flocculation of sludge.

The screw press is built with a stack of alternating moving and fixed discs with varying diameters depending on the capacity. Sludge enters on the feed side and moves forward using a helical screw and exits from the other side in the form of cake.

The primary feature of the multi discs screw press is the stack of alternating moving and fixed discs which ensure self-cleaning as the moving discs are displaced by the screw profile in a reciprocating circular profile

The major components of a multi discs screw press are as follows:
a. Sludge Feed Line _ from where the sludge is fed
b. Overflow weir pipe for return of excess overflow
c. Flocculator agitator drives for enhancing coagulation and flocculation
d. Spiral Screw powered by a gearbox and Alternating Discs/Rings, the heart of the system
e. Spray nozzle for cleaning of sludge leakages outside the discs
f. Adjustable pressure plate to control the sludge dryness
g. Filtrate outlet for returning the filtrate to plant
h. Flocculator tank drain for draining out the flocculation tank

The major components of a multi discs screw press are as follows

Working principle

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Stage - 01

In the first stage of flocculation :

Stage - 02 & 03

In the second & third stage of thickening and dewatering.

Stage - 04

In the fourth stage of filtrate recycle

Comparison with other dewatering equipment

Dynamic Equipment’s Multi Disc Screw Press differentiates from cotemporary dewatering equipment like centrifuges or filter press by following features:

6-10 times lower power consumption

Low speed of < 4-6RPM ensure negligible wear and tear

5 year maintenance free operation proven in field

Lower polyelectrolyte consumption

Multi Disc Screw Press vs Centrifuge vs Filter Press
A typical case of 10 cum/hr feed flow @ 1% solids w/w

ParameterMulti Disc Screw PressCentrifuge DecanterPP Filter Press
Power Consumption1KW20kW5kW
Maintenance MechanicalOperated at only 4 RPM with almost zero wear & tear Complete built is in SS 304/316Operated at only 4000 RPM with high chances of major wear & tear : Only water contact parts are in SS and rest is in MSEPReplacement of cloth due to clogging. Build is generally MSEP thus high corrosion potential
Solid Content of Sludge Dewatered20-25% w/w (75-80% moisture)18-20 %w/w (80-82% moisture)20-25% w/w (75-80% moisture)
CAPEX10% higher than owning a centrifuge or filter pressHighest cost in the categoryLowest cost
Recurring CAPEXAlmost zeroVery High due to vibrations and bearing replacementMedium mostly requires replacement of filter cloth
Chemical Cost50% of that from centrifuge when processing biological sludgeHighest requirement of polyelectrolyteAlmost same as the Screw Press
Noise & VibrationsNo noise and vibrations as all moving parts are at low RPMVery high noise levelNo Noise as no moving parts except the feed pump
Labor CostNo labor cost of manual handling of sludge as it is in continuous applicationNo labor cost of manual handling of sludge as it is in continuous applicationVery high labor intensive due to cleaning of cloth and changing the cloth

Configurations Available

The screw press is a modular design which can be provided in 1, 2, 3 and up to 4
screw in single machine as shows here for illustrations.

Single Screw

Two Screw

Three Screw

Estimate and size your multi disc screw press

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